Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn Visits OMO2 Sugar Factory

日期: 2016-12-18


On Dec 18th, Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn visited OMO2 Sugar Factory, accompanied by the governor of SNNP, some cabinet ministers and general manager of Sugar Corporation of Ethiopia.

COMPLANT Chief Engineer Liu Deyong, extended his warm welcome and briefed them on the company's history and business, developments of the three sugar factories and public welfare work done by COMPLANT in Ethiopia, as well as future cooperative prospect between the two sides.

Prime Minister Hailemariam appreciated OMO2 and OMO3 projects progress, and expressed his thanks for the work done by COMPLANT. Regarding COMPLANT as Ethiopia's important partner, he hoped that all sides could strive for extracting sugar from OMO2 as early as possible to solve the shortage problem.

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